Geoff Beckett, ”... We also realize that Indy Spotlight will create it's own universe as it grows..."
I only needed that part of the quote here. Hmmm, now that is a very interesting statement. Does that mean the Indie figures will also have some completly new stuff that isn't even in a comic? I have been doing some digital work, mostly for practice, ok so my animating sucks and character creating needs work (I didn't get that far in college) I would like to submit some stuff I have no intentions of keeping for myself, in other words I throw it to Shocker and you guys can snag up copywrites for it and keep it for yourselves if you want, make figures off some of that. Now on the flip side of that, I'v already mentioned to Shocker doing figures off my game characters, those will be copywrit, copywritted, copywrote? to me. *Grumbles incoherintly* Need a lawyer for the legal jargan here. I guess what I'm proposing is some Indie exclusive work from myself that Shocker can snag rights on, and also work I keep rights to that Shocker gets first pick for the Indie Spotlight series. If that's what that statement means, the Indie Spotlight will create it's own universe, then I see no reason not to throw some characters, creatures, and monsters toward Shocker just for Shocker. PLEASE no bad FUBU jokes! Anyway, as always all replies are welcomed and encouraged. I don't want anyone to feel scared of what I'm going to say, feel free to post a reply within the confinds of the forum rules.