Looking for an artistic collaborator

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Looking for an artistic collaborator

by GuyWhoWrites » Mon Jan 10, 2024 12:04 pm


My name is Andrew and I'm looking for an artist who'd be willing to collaborate on some ideas (yours, mine, ours, whatever). I've been inspired by the idea of Shocker's Indieverse and really want to add some characters into the mix. Unfortunately, I can't draw. I can sketch up a storm but when it comes to the detail and dimensions of drawing, I'm an amateur at best. I'm mainly a writer.

Once we have something worthwhile, we could distribute hardcopies via Indy Planet. Find a decent app that'd be willing to get us in through iTunes. I frequent several shops in Los Angeles who said they'd be willing to put the books on the shelves to help out (if it's good enough). All that's needed is product.

Currently I'm an attractions writer and project coordinator for a company working on several entertainment venues in Asia. I've been in Hong Kong/Macau since September. Before that, I spent about 10 months in Singapore working on attractions for Universal Studios Singapore and Resorts World Sentosa. I live in California sometimes. Sometimes.

Back in 2004, I wrote, edited and co-produced the Short film PUNCHING HITLER. It won a lot of awards and was a featured short at the Cannes Marketplace. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... d=16096366

But deep down, I've always wanted to write comics. Just need a starting point. With Shocker's Indieverse, it's like being at Ground Zero at Image or the Marvel universe. A whole new universe ready to be explored. And I'd love to create something amazing to drop into that universe.

Anyways, I have a ton of ideas. Or we can play with yours. I'm easy and eager. Drop me a PM or an e-mail if interested.

Thanks for reading.

"The World will look up and shout “Save us!” and I’ll look down and whisper “....no.”

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Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2023 6:49 am

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