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Help save the Indie Spotlight toyline!

November 6, 2012,

Help save the Indie Spotlight toyline! here.


August 8, 2012,

Founded in 2012 GBJRTOYS has been listening to toy fans and answering with great toys and action figures using many different licenses and new ideas. We have acquired a toyline developed in 2006 this toyline brings great Indie comic characters into the mainstream toy world with super poseable designs. We have also acquired the world's first fully articulated designer figures called Mallows. Our toylines will be available in various worldwide stores and direct. If you would like to become a vendor please email [email protected] . We are currently seeking interested investors or Business opportunists, if interested please contact us

GBJR Toys here.

Who is your favorite character in Indie Spotlight series2?

King Zombie
Dick Tracy
Jack Staff
The Tick

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